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6 Things To Do This Midterm


6 Things To Do This Midterm Break



You and I both know this was going to be on the list! It has to be! You’re going to college! These few days aren’t a chance to bury the books and assignments as clichéd as it sounds you really should devote some of your time off to your course work. I’m not just saying this because I have to! If you even gave one full day to your studies, you’ll find:

1/ Course material stays fresh in your mind
2/ You’ll maintain a manageable workload
3/ You’ll end up ultimately being more relaxed; because you won’t have to stress about studies/assignments

Remember the Learning Resource Centres and Libraries are open all Midterm for your use!

Take A Break

It is midterm BREAK and that means a chance to unwind, take a breath and treat yourself. So if you can afford to lie in an extra hour in the morning then do! You deserve it! Touch base with college friends and get to know them outside the four walls of the classroom if you can!


In between all the studying and all the relaxing, try and find some time just for yourself. That doesn’t mean sit in front of the TV with distractions or jammed into a packed café! A little quiet time will help you take stock of the last few weeks and help sort a clearer picture for when you return to classes. Pick up one of the Smarter Travel maps from the Front Office and take a walk to clear your thoughts.



Make Some Notes

So now you’re relaxed, you’ve done some study and you’ve had a chance to focus. You might have questions about your course or class materials! Don’t panic because you feel like you should know all the answers right now! If you have questions then write them down and address them with your teachers in class, you never know who else might have the same queries as you!


Maybe you haven’t had the best start to the college year? Well now’s your chance to put all that behind you! Put a plan in place for how you’ll tackle the next week, month or rest of the semester! You don’t have to make big gestures, small things like planning to leave the house a few minutes earlier to arrive on time, setting aside some time on the weekend to read up on notes will all have a big impact on the rest of your year!

Catch A Movie

Seriously take a break and get out of the house! Try and tear yourself away from the study material and head to the movies or out for a cup of coffee! The next few days will fly by and you’ll be back to the routine of classes so make the most of your time off! Find a balance between study and a social life!

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