Welcome to the Equality section of our website. We welcome your feedback and any suggestions you may have for enhancement of the equality section of the site or of equality in general within LCFE. Please e-mail the Equality Committee Chair, Hanora Hartnett, on hanora.hartnett@lcetb.ie
Limerick College of Further Education (LCFE) wishes to be recognised by the community as an organisation which provides excellent educational and employment opportunities for its learners. The College is committed to creating an environment where learners receive support, fair treatment and can study free from discrimination and harassment. LCFE strives to create an open and friendly atmosphere where each learner feels welcome, comfortable and a valued part of the College. Each learner is encouraged to achieve to their maximum. Each learner will be treated fairly and with respect.
Then each learner can concentrate on their studies and will be supported to do so. At the same time it is expected that learners respect the personal integrity and dignity of others. LCFE monitors the composition of its learner population and its policies and procedures to ensure it is promoting equality and eliminating discrimination. Members of staff and learners are requested to co-operate in the monitoring process. The College’s Policy on Equal Opportunities is part of the effort to maintain a learning and working environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, exploitation and is overseen by the Equality and Diversity Committee.
Learner Diversity: LCFE is proud of its multicultural campuses and even more proud to host learners from all over the world every year. This academic year LCFE is home to students from Ireland and 35 other countries across the globe.
The LCFE Child Safe Guarding Statement is available here.
The LCFE Anti-Bullying Policy is available here.