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Members of Steering Committee

Pat Maunsell (Director)
Cliona O’Kelly (Deputy Director)
Hanora Hartnett (Deputy Director)
Eileen O’Callaghan (Deputy Director, Acting)
Enda Finn (Director of Adult Education)
Patrick Hogan (PR Officer)
Mary Gleeson (Course Coordinator)
Margaret Meehan (Assistant Exam Officer)
Hilary McCann (Head of Business, IT)
Brendan O’Sullivan (ICT Officer)
Orla Gavigan (Teaching & Learning Officer)
Carmel Ronan (Guidance Counselling & Learning Support)

Terms of Reference

  • Determine and approve processes/methodologies for the plan
  • Decide timeline for the achievement of the plan
  • Assess suitability of Facilitators for the plan
  • Carry out research on the FET sector in Ireland and abroad
  • Provide direction and guidance to teachers
  • Review draft documents
  • Meet on a regular basis
Ms Helen Murphy, Head of Education, Waterford Institute of Technology


DES Department of Education and Skills ETB Education and Training Board FET Further Education and Training FETAC (QQI) Further Education and Training Awards Council – now subsumed by QQI GNP Gross National Product HEA Higher Education Authority Intreo National Employment and Entitlements Service IOT Institutes of Technology ITT Institute of Technology, Tralee LCETB Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board LCFE Limerick College of Further Education LIT Limerick Institute of Technology LTU Long-Term Unemployed MIC Mary Immaculate College NESC National Economic and Social Council QQI Quality and Qualifications Ireland SCCB South & City College, Birmingham UL University of Limerick VEC Vocational Education Committee