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Enterprise Engagement

Employers interestined in LCFE

LCFE has an Enterprise Engagement Committee which develops and oversees enterprise engagement activities in the College. The key functions of the Enterprise Engagement Committee are:    

  • carrying out an annual audit of LCFE Enterprise Engagement activities
  • developing and supporting Enterprise Engagement activities in LCFE and in conjunction with the FET Division Enterprise Engagement Support Service
  • developing and maintaining strong relationships with local employers
  • liaising with employers regarding work placement for almost all learners
  • maintaining an employer database for the region
  • marketing and promoting the college to new and existing employers
  • advising learners on how best to prepare job applications
  • managing the job placement service in the college

LCFE has a long history of very productive relations with local employers and other bodies in Limerick and beyond. The College has an array of working relationships with local employers and new alliances are constantly being forged. Through liaising with the Mid-West Regional Skills Forum and the FET Division’s Enterprise Engagement Support Service, LCFE ensures that courses provided are in line with local industry needs, which is very much in line with the SOLAS Strategy 2020-2024.


LCFE welcomes this new strategy which highlights the importance of employer engagement in the FET sector, namely:

  • ETB/FET provision of a range of programmes deemed essential for training/educating learners in market-led areas, as well as upskilling and retraining of employees. This includes apprenticeships and other relevant work-based training;
  • collaboration between enterprises to identify required skills and discussing delivery of quality-assured programmes with the ETB’s;
  • a “single-point” ETB contact and a coordinated effort to home in on enterprise engagement.

Enterprise Engagement is a key priority at LCFE. We will continue to work with our key stakeholders in order to achieve our objectives in this area.

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LCFE Funding