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Induction Soccer Tournament 2017


The Annual Induction Soccer Tournament will take place on Friday 6 October from 10.00 to 14.00 at the University of Limerick Sports Arena. The tournament is now in its fifth year and has been a huge success since it began.  The whole idea of the tournament is to allow the learners get to know each other and have a bit of fun while participating in sport. 

  • 6 – 10 players per class, 1 team per class
  • Prizes on the day to include:
    • Tickets to see Limerick FC
    • Trophies and Medals
  • €20 entry per team

Registration Date:   At the Front Lobby

  • September 27th from 9am-11am
  • September 28th from 12pm -3pm

For more information contact: The Advanced Sport, Recreation and Exercise Group, e-mail: Ronan.Foyle@LCETB.ie or see our Facebook page: LCFE Sport, Recreation and Exercise/Advanced Sport, Recreation and Exercise

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LCFE Funding