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LCFE and Limerick Lifelong Learning Festival


Here at LCFE we are delighted to once again be working with The Limerick Lifelong Learning Festival.  This year LCFE will host a number of events.

Traditional Darkroom Printing – A chance to explore traditional darkroom printing techniques. Participants will produce black and white photographic images from negatives and learn to produce experimental images from found objects.

Tuesday 24th May 6.pm – 8 pm. (Plus half hour for set up and clean up)

Contact: dan.kenny@lcetb.ie    Location: LCFE Mulgrave St


Introduction to Printmaking – This will be essentially a demonstration of a couple of printmaking techniques, with some hands on experimentation.  Max 6 participants

Friday 27th May 2pm to 4 pm (Plus half hour for set up and clean up)

Contact: dan.kenny@lcetb.ie      Location: Print room, LCFE Mulgrave St


Charcoal Techniques for Portraits – learn and develop your skills and techniques in the medium of Charcoal


Monday 23rd May 3pm to 4pm

Contact: Jim Furlong/jimfurlongfu@gmail.com


Felted Vessels – amazing what you can achieve – release your inner creative.

Wednesday 25th May – 2pm to 5pm 

Contact: margaret.dwane@lcetb.ie           Location: LCFE Mulgrave St

LCFE Side Image
LCFE Funding