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National Career Skills Competition Success


Great success for Laszlo Szlatki, LCFE Software Development learner at LCFE in the National Career Skills Competition 2018.

Laszlo Szlatki, LCFE Learner, was recently awarded 4th Place in the Adult Learner Category of the 2018 National Career Skills Competition at an award ceremony hosted by the Department of Education at their Clock Tower Building on 9th May.  guests were addressed by Minister of State for Higher Education, Mary Mitchell O’Connor TD.

There were  over 1,900 entrants in total for the competition, which  promotes the importance of Career Skills and encourages the value of career research.

Supported by materials from Careersportal.ie learners were asked to reflect on the skills they developed during their work experience, and how those skills can help them in their future career.​ 

The photo includes from Left to right Brendan O’Sullivan LCFE, Eimear Sinnott (Managing Director of Careers Portal), Laszlo Szlatki (LCFE Software Development Learner), Adrienn Szlatki (Laszlo’s Daughter), Ellen Caulfield​ HR Manager at MCDonalds Ireland – Competition Sponsors) and Beatrice Dooley (President of the Institute of Guidance Counsellors).

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