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Art: Beginners | AC001 (10 weeks Class Based)

Course Overview

Course Code:
AC001 | MON 19.30 - 21.30
€100 / Materials €25

This course is suitable for individuals with no previous knowledge of art who wish to develop their artistic and sketching skills through a variety of mediums in a relaxed and supportive setting.

Apply for this Course
Programme Description

• Develop observation skills working from still life using various pencils
• Understanding basic drawing techniques such as shape/form/texture/composition
• Knowing your medium (oil paint / watercolour / pastels / charcoal) learn the different properties and create a finished
work of art
• Having completed this course participants will have an overall understanding of the creative process and complete a selection of original art works
• This course may progress onto the ‘Art Continuation’  course at LCFE
• Certain basic drawing materials will be provided

LCFE Funding