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Care of the Older Person | CC015 (10 weeks Class Based)

Course Overview

Course Code:
CC015 | THURS 18.45 - 21.45

This programme module aims to equip the learner with the knowledge, skills and competence to
meet the full and holistic needs of older people in a variety of care contexts and to develop an
awareness of the increasing needs of older people in the community today.

Apply for this Course
Programme Description
Further Information
  • Discuss a range of age related issues to include healthy ageing, global and national
    demographic trends, the normal physiological and psychological processes of ageing, the
    social impact of ageing on older people and different attitudes to ageing and older people.
     Discuss the role of the healthcare assistant in promoting positive attitudes to ageing and of
    statutory and voluntary agencies in promoting the wellbeing of older people.
     Examine a range of concepts and practices to include preparation for retirement and the
    ethnic and cultural influences on the older person.
     Explore a range of older person’s needs to include physical, social, emotional, psychological,
    recreational, financial, environmental and spiritual needs.
     Explore the role of the healthcare assistant in providing care for older people.
     Discuss the issues related to an older person living with mental illness, dementia or any
    chronic illness
     Recognise the individual needs of the dying older person and their families.
     Summarise the range of care settings for older people and the members of the
    multidisciplinary team available in each care setting.
     Explore a range of specific services that are available for older people, to include education,
    lifelong learning, retirement / the workplace and leisure.
     Discuss current approaches towards developing quality in the provision of services for older
    people and their families to include standards and quality assurance.
     Employ effective communication with the older person, their family and the
    multidisciplinary team.
     Adapt care practices to meet the needs of older people with cognitive and sensory
    impairment and physical disabilities.
     Examine duties in a way that is respectful to the person’s body after death.
     Promote a range of aspects of care for the older person to include empowerment, advocacy,
    independence, individualised care, dignity, respect, choice, self-esteem and include family
    and carers as partners in care.
     Give assistance in the identification of how health promotion issues can be promoted in care
    settings for older people and in the provision of therapeutic interventions that will enhance
     the social interactions and quality of life for the older person

Note: Contact with an Older Person would be a requirement as assessment is based on a Project (40%) and a Skills Demonstration (60%). Garda Vetting can also be facilitated by the College. Occupational First Aid Training can be arranged based on adequate demand.

Patient/ Manual Handling can be arranged based on adequate demand.

Note: A safe level of written and

spoken English is required – see English

Language requirement at the start of

this booklet.

Note: Learners have the option of

registering for each module in the full

certificate individually.


A safe level of written and spoken English is required – see note English Assessment on pg 11

LCFE Funding