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Care Skills | CC027 (10 weeks Class Based)

Course Overview

Course Code:
CC026| TUES 18.45 – 21.45

This course is ideal for those looking to gain the knowledge, skill and competence to care for clients while providing and maintaining a hygienic and safe environment.

Apply for this Course
Programme Description
Further Information
  • Identify relevant groups in need of health care
  • Examine the physical, emotional, social, psychological and spiritual needs of a range of groups of people, taking into account individual variation
  • Identify hygiene needs and discuss prevention of pressure sores
  • Demonstrate a range of interpersonal skills when dealing with clients to include empathy, respect, patience and effective communication
  • Give assistance to clients across a broad range, including day to day needs (dressing, grooming, eating, mobility etc.), assistance with care equipment while also enhancing the privacy, dignity, independence and positive self-image of clients in care
  • Completing client documentation and reporting changes in the client’s condition where appropriate

This is a mandatory component for the QQI LEVEL 5 Healthcare Support Award 5M4339 complete  assessment

A safe level of written and spoken English is required – see note English Assessment on pg 11

LCFE Funding