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Fashion Design – Dressmaking | AC011 (10 weeks Class Based)

Course Overview

Course Code:
AC011 | TUES 19.00 - 21.30
€130 | Materials: €40

This course is suitable for individuals who wish to develop their skills in dressmaking with a view to making and altering their own clothes. The course is suitable for beginners and those with basic sewing experience.

Apply for this Course
Programme Description

• Pattern drafting and alteration: how to prepare and follow commercial patterns
• How to take measurements and adjust patterns and garments to suit
• Fabric preparation: how to lay and cut out pattern pieces
• Sewing techniques: seams, darts, zips, buttonholes, hems, waistbands etc.
• Garment construction and finishing: learners are invited to make and finish a basic skirt and top of their choice

LCFE Funding