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Italian Continuation | Class based | 10 Weeks

Course Overview

Accreditation Certificate of Attendance
Course Code:
LA022 | Wed 19.00-21.30

Accommodation: enquire about accommodation: book and pay in a hotel
• Travelling: ask for places, directions, understand brochures and signs
• Health: know the parts of the body. Express different health problems in medical
• Shopping: ask for size, colour, quantity, type of fabric when shopping for clothes
• Preferences: express and find out attitudes such as likes & dislikes
• Describing people, express qualities
• Daily activities: talk about habitual actions
• Housing: describe a house/apartment etc.

Apply for this Course
Participant Profile

This course is for individuals who already have some basic knowledge of the Italian language
and who wish to improve and develop their communication skills further. The course will
involve activities in speaking, reading, writing and listening.

LCFE Funding