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Local History | BP097 | 10 Weeks

Course Overview

Accreditation QQI Level 5 Local History 5N1296
Course Code:
BP097 | Tues 18.45-21.45
€Tuition Fee €240

Explain the term history and the role of the historian
 Outline the place and contribution of local historical studies in the overall historical context
including political, economic, gender, cultural and social perspectives
 Document a chronologically organised account of important historical events in Ireland’s
 Distinguish between primary and secondary historical sources
 Access manifestations of primary sources including census returns, photographs, oral
histories, video and/or film footage, newspapers, letters, diaries and printed documents
 Source relevant secondary sources, including scholarly, standard and published academic
material in journals and periodicals to supplement and provide a context for primary
 Explain the issues of plagiarism and copyright
 Identify organisations, institutions, libraries and archives and the nature of material they
house which might be of value in research
 Express ideas coherently and in a clear and organised manner
 Apply academic and popular conventions in the presentation of historical material and
 Document and acknowledge all relevant sources consulted, to include footnotes, endnotes,
 Demonstrate the critical awareness of the historian
 Show objectivity and reason in developing and presenting themes and ideas

 Implement best practice and standards in sourcing, identifying, evaluating and using primary
and secondary historical data
 Reflect on contemporary Irish society and culture with reference to the past events of own
research and the overall historical context
 Evaluate project work considering research, filing and cataloguing data, time management,
locating and synthesising source material and meeting deadlines.

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Participant Profile

The purpose of this award is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to
conduct in-depth historical research and analysis in local history, using a range of primary and
secondary historical sources

LCFE Funding