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Volume Lash Extensions (Classic) | BH027 (6 Weeks Classroom Based)

Course Overview

Certificate of Attendance
Course Code:
BH027 | TUES 18.45-21.45
€120 + Materials Fee €120 full kit incl

Volume Lashing is a technique used to achieve a fuller, fluffier look. With this method, between 3/8 super fine extensions are fanned out and applied to a single natural lash. This is the perfect solution if you have sparse lashes or gaps. Volume lashes are lighter, fluffier and give the client a fuller look and is the perfect technique for creating natural to a more dramatic effect

  • Health and safety 
  • Eye shapes
  • Application techniques 2d to 6d
  • Refilling
  • Product removal 
  • Problem solving
  • Aftercare 

NEW: Starts in March 2025 – Usually a follow on after eyelash extensions course 


Apply for this Course
Programme Description

This course provides an introduction to the application of Classic Volume Eyelashes. When you work with Natural lashes, you apply one lash extension to the natural lash. Volume extension is the technique to apply fans that can be as little as two lash extensions (commonly referred as 2D) , or as full as eight extensions (8D), creating the beautiful glamorous looks. Volume extension application takes longer therefore they are more expensive than Natural ones. The course involves the choosing of the right extensions and adhesive, styling tips and how practice makes perfect.

LCFE Funding