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Upholstery | AC018 (10 weeks Class Based)

Course Overview

Course Code:
AC018 | TUES 19.00 - 21.30
€100 | Materials Fee 40

This course is designed for individuals with no previous experience of upholstery and who wish to learn and develop creative and design skills.


Note: This course may take place at MYA
Watchhouse Cross or Kilmallock Road Campus

Apply for this Course
Programme Description

• Measure and record sizes accurately
• Recognise the characteristics of a range of basic upholstery fabrics and fillings
• Prepare fabrics for cutting and stitching/ fixing and make an accurate lay/cutting plan
• Stitch by hand and machine as required
• Apply traditional techniques
• Safe use of hand tools and equipment
• Webbing
• Finishing Techniques

Project: Drop-in Seat. Footstool. Small

LCFE Funding