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Let the games begin!


It’s that time of year when the Sports Department host our annual start of year soccer tournament.  The tournament is now in its ninth year and has been a huge success since it began.. The whole idea of the tournament is to allow the learners get to know each other and have a bit of fun while participating in sport. 

A member of the Sports Department will pop into classes during the week to explain it and answer any questions.  I encourage as many courses to take part as possible: the tournament is all in the name of fun and of course I will be looking for our staff Team to get involved also, remember we are defending champions.  We will not be charging a fee this year an we will have medals and trophies for the winners as normal.
If any new members of staff would like to join the staff team, contact Ronan, the more the merrier.



Registration form   can be downloaded here, filled out by the participating classes and returned to me or any of the Sports department by Friday October 6th to allow for draws to be made etc.  


We would also encourage classes to come out and support their teams as it adds to the atmosphere.  I will also ask the student union to get behind it and continue the support they have given us over the years.

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