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NEW: Creative Writing: Continuation | 8 Weeks

Course Overview

Accreditation: Certificate of Attendance
Course Code:
Tues 19:00 - 21:00 | 8 Weeks
€Tuition Fee €120

Through creative participation, the learners will learn to:
• Further develop their use of elements of fiction and poetry, e.g. image, plot, form, in their
own works
• Build critical reading skills to understand and adopt elements of fiction used in published
authors works
• Comment on others work for improvement and provide support
• Develop ideas into stories, novel excerpts, or poems

• Edit and shape their writing

Apply for this Course
Participant Profile

This course is aimed at anyone who has previous experience in a creative writing setting
who wishes to continue working on their fiction, poetry, or memoir pieces. Participants will
expand their understanding of the elements of fiction and poetry through readings and
group discussions. Commentary and critiquing skills will be sharpened through workshops
(group sharing of work) to help participants prepare for publishing. This programme will
help develop each writers unique voice, personal writing routine, and hone their craft.

LCFE Funding